Sunday, December 28, 2008

Accounting!! and Facebook!! And Bears!!! Oh My!!!

Can you believe Andrew actually has me doing ACCOUNTING for him?!? It's a really easy online program for our Real Estate stuff, but I can't believe I, Literature Guru, am doing Math. PFFFT. Blech. Ick.

I'm also searching for peoples I knows on Facebook. So I don't look so pathetic to be all students (not that there's anything wrong with students, but I want actual friends on there, too.) So if you have a facebook account and haven't told me about it, let me know. I'm on there as my Real Name so "friend me," or let me know who you are.

*Not to mention Lots Of Exclamation Points, apparently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i'm on there...but you know that.
carry on you numbers maven you.

nissa, goddess after five said...

You can friend me. There are several of you on there and I don't know which one you are. Sperm donor is on there too.

comebacknikki said...

I'm on there! Which one are you? Email me - comebacknikki @ gmail .com

kim wells said...

I guess I'm the one whose profile number is 1064156550. I don't know if you can search it that way. There are a lot of Kim Wellses though. I do have a picture, so if it's a non-picture one, it aint me. :)